How to bankrupt and rise again...
Think about it...
Κυριακή 7 Ιουνίου 2015
How to Default on Sovereign Debt by Odette Lienau
Re-inventing Republic! (or The circle of knowledge)
Σάββατο 6 Ιουνίου 2015
IMF has betrayed its mission in Greece, captive to EMU creditors
The Fund’s mission is to save countries, not currencies or banks, and it certainly should not be doing dirty work for a rich currency union that is fully capable of sorting out its own affairs, but refuses to do so for political reasons.
Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2015
Paul Mason analysis about the Greek crisis
Why do we have to read journalists from abroad to learn about the battle at Chalandri between the leftists and the mafia, about the negotiations and everything else? Keep reading and judge by yourself poor reader!
Μύθοι ναι, παραμύθι μη γένει και μας πνίξει!
Ποιος φταιει; Ο έλληνας που ψήφισε αυτούς ή πολιτικός που έμαθε έτσι τους έλληνες; Πως σπάει ο φαύλος κύκλος;
Συμφωνώ με τους μύθους αλλά όχι με τις αιτιολογήσεις του άρθρου. Ελπίζω σύντομα να εξηγηθω..
Δευτέρα 1 Ιουνίου 2015
EU 2.0 or game over!
Is it enough to avoid GREXIT & BREXIT to put EU back to its tracks or do we have to restart EU from the very beginning?
And if so, is it feasible with the current head of states?
And to indulge you more what if the next governments turn left and others turn far right?
Is this the paneuropean scenario of a 1936 Spanish deja vu?